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作者fairy_huang 出处:Iconfans
Step1 步骤1
We'll begin this tutorial, by creating a new canvas at a size of 283 x 152 then select the "Elipse Tool".
photoshop教程开始,从创建新文档开始,创建一个大小为283 x 152像素的新文档,然后选择“椭圆工具”
Draw a circle as illustrated using f1f1f1 as the color. Name this layer "Gray Circle".
游客,本帖隐藏的内容需要积分高于 1 才可浏览,您当前积分为 0
Step35 步骤35
The Results!!!最终结果~!!!
I'veadded some gloss to the face of the clock to give it a bitmore life.Todo this, I used the "Elipse Tool" with White as the color. I thenturned the Fill down. The curved glossy part, I used the "Pen Tool" andthat's it. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial.
我最后添加了一些高光,(大家自己也尝试添加一下吧),我使用到了“椭圆工具”和“钢笔工具”……教程结束,希望大家喜欢^_^(fairy插嘴,大家最后最好对自己的图图进行一定调整,比如阴影部分的透明度啦,模糊啦什么的,希望大家都能做出自己最满意的作业~!谢谢) |