查查 发表于 2012-8-25 01:55:11


第二课:学习ps选区与蒙板的使用方法学习选区与蒙板PS移动工具教程PS怎么全选对象矩形选框工具教程椭圆选框工具教程行列选框工具教程PS套索工具教程多边形套索工具磁性套索工具教程快速选择工具教程魔术棒工具教程快速蒙板使用教程PS怎么使用钢笔PS怎么使用通道PS色彩范围教程PS怎么调整选区PS怎么添加蒙板PS怎么操作蒙板选区蒙板思考延伸 第三课:了解ps图层及其使用方法怎么学习图层PS图层有几种类型PS怎么解锁图层PS怎么新建图层PS怎么选择图层PS怎么操作图层PS怎么组织图层PS怎么复制图层混合模式不透明度PS图层样式怎么用怎么修改图层样式PS怎么自定义样式PS怎么合并图层图层相关思考延伸 第四课:学习用PS对图片进行修饰和变换修饰和变换工具PS怎么剪裁图片PS怎么旋转图片怎么修改画布大小仿制图章怎么用图案图章怎么用污点修复画笔怎用PS修复工具怎么用PS修补工具怎么用PS红眼工具怎么用替换颜色工具怎用PS涂抹工具怎么用PS模糊工具怎么用PS锐化工具怎么用PS减淡工具怎么用PS加深工具怎么用PS海绵工具怎么用历史画笔工具怎用自由变换工具怎用自由变换工具功能内容识别缩放怎用修饰变换思考延伸 第五课:学习如何用PS对图片进行色彩调整ps调色的学习方法怎么设置背景颜色ps拾色器怎么用ps颜色面板怎么用ps色板怎么使用ps怎么填充颜色ps怎么描边ps渐变工具怎么用ps怎么存储渐变怎样添加调整图层调整图层蒙板怎用色相饱和度怎么用PS色阶工具怎么用怎么合并拷贝图层调色的思考延伸 第六课:了解PS滤镜使用PS滤镜的学习方法PS怎么使用滤镜PS怎么使用滤镜库怎么使用智能滤镜滤镜相关思考延伸 第七课:学习文字工具的使用方法怎么学习文字工具PS怎么输入文字PS怎么编辑文字PS字符面板怎么用怎么输入段落文字怎在路径上加文字修改路径上的文字怎设置文字的方向怎么修改编辑文字文字工具思考延伸 第八课:输出的应用发布其他格式文件怎么打印文件 第九课:跟实例视频一起加深了解PSPS抠图视频教程抠婚纱视频教程1抠婚纱视频教程2抠婚纱视频教程3抠婚纱视频教程4抠婚纱视频教程5做相框视频教程1做相框视频教程2做相框视频教程3画面布局视频教程制作网页视频教程1制作网页视频教程2制作网页视频教程3制作网页视频教程4制作网页视频教程5制作网页视频教程6制作网页视频教程7PS做木纹视频教程做牛皮纸视频教程做黄金字视频教程做木纹字视频教程PS换背景视频教程内容识别填充除杂物清除照片污点视频梦幻艺术照视频PS美白牙齿视频

赵公子 发表于 2020-3-1 09:38:55

怎么下载啊之前有全套的这个的视频换了硬盘全没了   好不容易又找到了可是找不到在哪下载了

sniperbi 发表于 2012-9-4 21:04:51


JerryMor 发表于 2024-5-8 11:23:29

Youngster Emotional Health Awareness Resources Options

EMDR Therapy for Long-lasting Ache: Managing the Mind-Body Relationship

Repeated pain can be a intricate as well as crippling condition that can have profound effects on individuals' actual along with mental and social well-being. Eye Movement Sensory Desensitization along with Desensitization Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing intervention presents the valuable resource intended for individuals dealing with persistent discomfort, supporting their path to recovery, symptom management, as well as improved quality of lives.

In this platform comment, many of us explore the application of EMDR treatment in chronic pain management in addition to consider its potential advantages for handling the mental-physical link and also promoting holistic recovery as well as wellness.

A of the primary struggles presented by males with persistent ache is definitely the interplay between physical symptoms along with psychological distress. EMDR therapeutic approach provides a new structured and verification formulated approach to help trauma treatment in which could help individuals plan distressing memories as well as emotions, challenge negative beliefs about their pain, in addition to develop more adaptive managing campaigns.

Also, EMDR therapy can address this underlying trauma along with emotional distress that will often contribute in order to the onset as well as care of persistent discomfort problems, supporting individuals liberate themselves from the pattern of discomfort as well as suffering. By providing any safe along with supportive space pertaining to exploration and healing, EMDR intervention empowers individuals for you to reform their sense connected with agency along with take an active duty in specific pain management.

In addition, EMDR intervention's focus on tackling the psychosomatic correlation conforms with the particular goals linked with many everyone with chronic pain, who are seeking holistic as well as integrated approaches for you to their care. By offering effective and accessible trauma treatment, EMDR therapy supports individuals with finding relief from their pain along with reclaiming specific excellence of daily life.

Adolescent peer support group
EMDR Therapy: Unleashing the Journey to Inner Freedom 4e0_878

芥末的 发表于 2014-11-26 14:02:11


          11-20课   http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dDlHvPn       photoshopCC 要的朋友打包带走吧不谢!

芥末的 发表于 2014-11-26 14:01:50


          11-20课   http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dDlHvPn       photoshopCC 要的朋友打包带走吧不谢!

千里一骑 发表于 2012-8-25 14:41:27


事务中心-赵澍 发表于 2012-8-25 16:35:10


高山知流水 发表于 2012-8-27 11:03:09


xiayuyun 发表于 2012-8-28 16:25:40


夜雨0雨夜 发表于 2012-8-29 18:20:17


ADULL 发表于 2012-9-1 19:57:04


1649540143 发表于 2012-9-2 10:36:19


apart 发表于 2012-9-4 12:04:27


apart 发表于 2012-9-4 12:05:22


忍者0912 发表于 2012-9-4 15:38:03


cmwlvsyi 发表于 2012-9-5 11:25:15


lshl888 发表于 2012-9-5 21:13:24


旗飞扬 发表于 2012-9-5 23:21:52

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